For this project, the history and context of the chosen site is key. A connection beween rail, romance and cinema can be enhanced through location and provoke the feeling of nostaligia associated with train journeys.
From 2009 until 2013, the Old Vic Tunnels under Waterloo station hosted an award-winning program of experimental art, music and film.
Funded by the Old Vic Theatre, the disused railway arches were transformed into sets resembling an Algerian market town and 1970s Brooklyn for Secret Cinema nights, a pop-up restaurant run by Michelin-starred chefs and an underground cinema for the premiere of Banksy's film, Exit Through the Gift Shop.
In August 2014, the tunnels re-opened as the House of Vans and are now home to London's only indoor skate park, a 850-capacity music venue, a 160-seat cinema and a gallery, as well as two bars and an industrial-looking cafe serving American-style food. All of the facilities are free to use: musicians are asked to donate a percentage of any ticket sales to Vans' partner charities, Old Vic New Voices, Railway Children and Action for Children and artists can rent studios for free, providing they are happy to be filmed at work by Vans. Creatives whose residency application is accepted can also exhibit work in the gallery at the end of their stay.
For the next three years, and possibly longer, it will host art exhibitions, creative workshops, concerts and film screenings and is open to eat, drink and hang out in five days a week.
Location: Arches 228 to 232, Waterloo Station Approach, London SE1 7LY
Waterloo Station Approach and Leake Street. Emergency Access can be obtained from the private car park to the west of the site.
Previous uses:
Storage Use
Theatre with associated activities (The Old Vic Tunnels)
Indoor Skate Park (The House of Vans)
Planning History:
09/03271/FUL - Change of use of Arches 228-232 for a temporary period of 1 year to theatre use and associated activities. Approved, subject to conditions – 19/01/2010
10/00698/DET - Approval of details pursuant to condition 5 (Crowd management strategy) of planning permission ref 09/03271/FUL (Change of use of Arches 228-232 for a temporary period of 1 year to theatre use and associated activities.) granted on 19.01.2010. Approved – 21/04/2010
10/03873/FUL - Continued use of Arches 228-232 for a temporary period of 1 year for theatre use and associated activities. Approved – 03/02/2011
11/04512/FUL - Use of arches 228 - 232B for a temporary period for a three year period for theatre and performance activities (Use Class Sui Generis). Approved – 21/03/2012
14/01261/FUL - Change of use of Arches 228-232 for a temporary period of 5 years to provide a mixed use development incorporating a skate park, performance gallery/museum, cafe/bar and screening/workshop space. – Approved – 11.03.2014
The site is not within a Conservation Area nor does it contain any listed structures.
Constraints: 1. Environmental Agency Flood Zone 3a
2. London Plan Waterloo Opportunity Area
3. Archaeological Priority Area
4. Major Development Opportunity Area 91 (MDO91)
5. Central London Activities Zone (CAZ)
The site falls within Flood Zone 3a. The Environment Agency has therefore requested that a Flood Risk Assessment is undertaken. However, the proposals do not result in any ground works or an increase in hard surfacing on the site. The Environment Agency were consulted on the previous applications and confirmed that a Flood Risk Assessment was not required. Officers consider that given the nature of the proposals, an FRA is not required in this instance.
Waterloo was identified as an Opportunity Area with an indicative estimate of growth to 2016 of 15,000 new jobs and 500 new homes.
Archaeological priority areas are areas specified by local authorities to help protect archaeological remains that might be affected by development. Where development is proposed within an APA, English Heritage will require applicants to provide sufficient information to assess the archaeological implications of the development.
The site is located within MDO 91, which relates to Waterloo Station (and land under Waterloo Station). The proposals relate to the remodeling of the Waterloo Station, the aspiration is to increase platform, concourse, and tube capacity with potential for air- rights development above and utilisation of arches space below (i.e. areas which are not presently accessible and which lie under the station). The development would not hinder the aspirations outlined in this policy and would ensure the continued use of the arches and assist in providing a range of uses in the area within and around Waterloo Station.
In terms of the London Plan, Policy 2.10 sets out strategic priorities for the CAZ including, the enhancement and promotion of the unique international, national and London-wide roles of the CAZ, supporting the distinct offer of the Zone based on a rich mix of local as well as strategic uses (point a); and to sustain and manage its attractions as the world’s leading visitor destination (point g). Policy 4.6 also refers to supporting London’s diverse range of arts, cultural, professional sporting and entertainment enterprises and the cultural, social and economic benefits that they offer.
Saved UDP Policy 24 seeks to protect railway arches in industrial or storage use unless they are proven to be causing significant detriment to residential amenity and/or adverse impact on highways network. For vacant arches, and where it is demonstrated that existing arches are no longer suitable for continue employment use, a number of uses, including active frontage uses, may also be acceptable, subject to the Plan’s other policies. The policy states that for sites located within Central Activities Zone (CAZ) and relevant Major Development Opportunity (MDO) sites, a more flexible approach towards the use and re-use of railway arches will be adopted.
SCALE 1:100
Model made from grey card.
To fully understand the site the model has been made to 1:100 and arched doorways have been included to show access and flow through the space.
The site provides a variety of spaces each with a unique size and shape.